

year: 2008
medium: pencil

This piece was created as a memory of all the times that my family and I would cut and split wood for the winter. There are many memories from laughs to tears to close calls. All in all they are great and wonderful memories simply because it's my family! There is nothing better then being able to spend a day in God's creation whatever you may be doing as long as you take the time to admire His wonder.


  1. Anonymous26.3.09

    you know what's even more wonderful?
    understanding that this world wasn't "created" in 7 days by your god, but actually came to be over the course of 4.6 billion years of evolution.
    I guess they don't have a science faculty at liberty?

  2. if the world evolved then why are there not things that are still evolving? how does a complex food chain and structure of the world happen by chance?

  3. Anonymous22.4.09

    That's so true what you said in your description. I think it's a magnificent drawing! God is always there for us. As it says in Deuteronomy 31:6 "...I will never leave you, nor forsake you."

  4. that is so true! yet so many times we don't rest in that promise... we need to take God up on that because He will NEVER leave us! i honesty don't know what i would do without God! He is everything to me from creator to saviour and too many time i take it for granted...
