
one life

year: 2009
medium: Adobe InDesign/Adobe Photoshop/Adobe Illustrator

This piece shows a person with a blank face representing everyone. We always see ourselves as one person living our own life and maybe only 0.01% of the worlds population even know you exist. We are just one person, but as Christians we represent the Lord Jesus Christ and though Him we can have an impact on this world! I am tired of people, including myself, whining and complaining about things that are wrong with our world. People complain that things aren't being done properly and so on. It is too easy to sit in a pew and point the finger at a messed up world and people failing trying to make and impact. We need to be the change that we want to see in this word! The only reason things are the way they are is because you haven't changed it yet! We need to change this world for Christ. With God as my strength I can change this world. Care to join me?!


eternal life

year: 2009
medium: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop

This is an ad in a response to the iPod ads. Except this ad is selling eLife (eternal life) rather then iLife (a life about me). Clearly no headphones because the figures are dancing about as a reaction the the gift God has provided them with.

Special thanks to adam docksteader as he and myself are the images in the ad! also this inspiration came while adam and i were working out! haha


Old Mill Townhomes

year: 2009
medium: Adobe InDesign

This project required us to find an ad in the newspaper and recreate it. The first image is the original ad and the second image in my recreation.


The Last Man

year: 2009
medium: Adobe Photoshop

This is my first time creating a computer illustration. I used photoshop to copy a real photograph of myself when I used to play hockey in Canada. I obviously did not play for team Canada as the logo on the jersey shows but I put this in for three reasons: first because we had a lame logo, second because it matches my pads and most importantly to also show that hockey belongs to Canada.

Walk by Faith

year: 2009
medium: oil on canvas

This piece was inspired while singing a song at my church in Virginia, Bedrock Community Church. The idea that I have passionately put into this painting is the idea of faith. However, we do not have a blind faith! The blindfold simply represents that we don't always know where God is leading us, but we know He is there. This knowledge of God's presence in symbolized by the outstretched arms reaching toward the light that ultimately represents God in all His glory. This is an eventful painting to me as I have had to trust God a lot in where He is leading me, not always knowing where I will end up. This is why I am at Liberty, God has brought me here over OCAD (Ontario College of Art & Design), a big art school back home. Our faith is not blind even though we may not know where we are headed, but we do know who we are following.


year: 2009/07
medium: oil on canvas/Adobe Photoshop

This is a cover for a bible study book I made for my church, Bancroft Bible Chapel. This is a previous painting of mine "Surrendered Heart" except I have photoshopped the Lord's prayer on it and I have also added a sepia mask.

Wadsworth's French Cuisine Fine Dining

year: 2009
medium: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator

This was for a menu I designed for a friend of mine at a culinary arts school. He was to create a full menu of dishes for his mock restaurant. I designed him a menu for his fine dining restaurant.

Captain Blood

year: 2009
medium: Adobe InDesign

The same class as my previous project. This time we were required to a old fashion theater poster without and images. We had to show visual hierarchy.

Silent Gatherings

year: 2009
medium: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop

This was my first project at Liberty University. We were given all the text and the image of a hand. We were required to design a poster for this event and we MUST use all text without eliminating ANYTHING or shortening ANYTHING, we also had to use the image provided. This was also my first time working in Adobe InDesign.

Time Flies

year: 2008
medium: acrylic on canvas

This was a piece that I did for an exam with a three hour time limit. Again I attempted to take another shot at abstract and I feel 
this time was quite successful. Image one shows my sketch that gave me the idea as I was doodling one day. The second image shows the finished product as it displays a very free and imagination like feeling. It is shows how time can not be contained as it continues to fly by.

Never Look Down

year: 2008
medium: acrylic on board

This project was to create a book cover. However, I have always been interested in writing a book about something in terms of my faith. So I took this opportunity to design a book as though it was my very own. Maybe I'll end up writing it someday, we'll see.

Burton: icthus

year: 2008
medium: coloured ink

This project was to create a product design. Because of my love for snowboarding I designed my a snowboard that incorporated my faith. It is a Burton board, however I created my own type of board with my own design. This board is called the "icthus" which says "fish" in greek (in greek it is "IXOYE"). This is where the Jesus fish originated from. In the word "fish" (IXOYE) each letter is the beginning of a name for God. I=Jesus, X=Christ, O=God, Y=Son, E=Saviour.

Winning Season

year: 2008
medium: acrylic

This piece was an experiment in order to try a different technique which turned out okay. This was my last season of Huskies Wrestling in high school. In the end I graduated high school with an above 80% winning average. Unfortunately my OFSAA run was ended in the first round with a torn ACL. A very bitter ending to my last year of wrestling!


year: 2008
medium: pencil

This piece was created as a memory of all the times that my family and I would cut and split wood for the winter. There are many memories from laughs to tears to close calls. All in all they are great and wonderful memories simply because it's my family! There is nothing better then being able to spend a day in God's creation whatever you may be doing as long as you take the time to admire His wonder.


year: 2008
medium: coloured pencil

This project required an organ from the human body to be drawn in coloured pencil. At the time I was studying the heart in Kinesiology class and was very intrigued with its complexity and how it fuels the whole body. (and people still argue against intelligent design!)

Born Husky

year: 2008
medium: coloured ink

This project required a picture to be was drawn in ink, meaning that there you are unable to shade in order to add value. It was an interesting technique and I enjoyed the challenge. This is a Husqvarna chainsaw as my dad is a small engine mechanic and a Husqvarna dealer.

The Coke Side of Life

year: 2008
medium: mixed media

Ever since I was young I have always been intrigued by the company Coca-Cola. I had also been playing around with new ideas in my sketch book. As shown in the first image, I created an image of a Coke can. However, the image can only be seen through three rectangles. I then decided to jump outside the box and allow my imagination to transform the idea into a piece of art as seen in the second image.


year: 2008
medium: chalk

This was my attempt at abstract art. I am very structured and I'm simply unable to do abstract. But I had to try it in order to try out new styles. I see this as two people on a hill, one boy and girl hence the blue and purple. Each are dreaming off into the future.

Coffee Break

year: 2008
medium: coloured ink

I could not help but think of Todd Wadsworth when drawing this piece. It reminded me of many of our conversations as they always consist of a Timmies in hand.

Building Blocks

year: 2008
medium: pencil

The message I wanted to send through this piece is:
"don't make your children grow too quickly"
A child belongs in their childhood with mighty dragons and princesses. A child's world is a world of imagination not practicality. Let a child be a child because success is not planning for the future. Success is fulfilling your purpose. A child's purpose is to be a child. 

Blue Boots

year: 2008
medium: mixed media

This is a project that I discovered while experimenting with photography. I set up my snowboard boots and captured over twenty photographs zoomed in. I then pieced the photographs together as a puzzle to create the overall image and then mounted in on a board with an acrylic painted background. Interesting fact: Last year this piece was priced at around $1000 value

Surrendered Heart

year: 2007
medium: oil on canvas

This painting is an image of myself as it applies directly to me, but it also pertains to what every human is required to do. This is why he is wearing a grey shirt and jeans, to symbolize that he is neutral. The sky is a morning sky symbolizing everyday.

Everyday we are to come before the cross of Christ humbled and surrendered before God. For as sinful beings we are unworthy of entering into His presence. However, through Christ's death we can come before Him with surrendered hearts unashamed!

The Muskellunge

year: 2007
medium: oil on canvas board

This painting is done to show nature in its environment. I enjoy fishing and one the the greatest fishing game is the mighty muskellunge.


year: 2007
medium: acrylic on board, hockey stick frame

This piece is a painting in which I painted has many connections to both my father and myself. We have always connected strong through hockey as we are both goalies. His favorite team growing up was the Boston Bruins as they are also my favorite American team. Also I have taken two of my old broken goal sticks and mended them in order to create a unique frame.

Country at Heart

year: 2007
medium: acrylic on board

This is a project that my high school teacher though up. I was to take a photograph and paint in the background. However, it needed to be taken out of it's original surroundings. This is why this picture of my sister and I is in the city. This symbolizes that even though living in the city may be in the future (on the horizon), I will always be from the country where I spent my childhood.

The Moment

year: 2007
medium: watercolour and ink on paper

This is my first time using watercolour. This painting is meant to display an individual's moment in which he stands still in order to worship the one true God.

Winning Try

year: 2007
medium: acrylic on canvas

This is a project designed after the Neoclassicism period in which paintings were created that made characters appear heroic with a dull background.

A Boarding Life

year: 2007
medium: acrylic on board

This was a project designed after the artist Guiseppe Arcimboldo. The idea is to create a face with objects, this is a painting of my face with snowboard equipment.


Poster Buck

year: 2007
medium: pencil

this project was to create a pencil drawing after the illusion artist MC Escher, this was my attempt to create the deer to be on a poster yet come to life.


year: 2007
medium: black ink on mixed media

This is a project in which we were required to create a print. This is a print of many overlapping guitar picks and in the centre is a guitar made up of contrasting picks.