
Never Look Down

year: 2008
medium: acrylic on board

This project was to create a book cover. However, I have always been interested in writing a book about something in terms of my faith. So I took this opportunity to design a book as though it was my very own. Maybe I'll end up writing it someday, we'll see.


  1. i like this. the cover is composed very well.

    good work.

  2. Anonymous26.3.09

    the title should be in braille as your faith is blinding.

  3. what in this world is my faith blinding me from? my faith gives me a personal relationship with my Savior and creator! it's a relationship that anyone can have and experience. I know you don't believe in a creator and only in evolution but just think about it, there has to be something out there greater then us. stuff like this can't just be chance, there has to be a beginning where at one point there was nothing. then to get something from nothing there has to be a creator (a greater being) that is everlasting. i know you may not believe any of this and i'm not going to force it on you, but i have found life and i just want to share it with you. i believe that heaven and hell exist and if i believe that there is only one way to heaven i am going to share it with you because i care about you too much to let you live without at least hearing about the truth! that truth is only found in God! i can explain my faith further to you if you like, but i am not going to push it down your throat, but i would like to explain this further to you if you are willing to hear me out.
