Expressionism Self Portrait
Shine: Literary Illustration

This is a recreation of the painting "Shine" I did earlier this year. This project was to create a literary illustration. We were to take a piece of text from a book or poem we have read and create an illustration that expresses the content of the words. Since I do not read many fiction books I resorted to what I do read, my Bible. This illustrates Matthew 5:16:
Larger Than Life: Dream BIG, Aim small
Balanced Ink
This was a study on balance. We were required to create four compositions, one with symmetrical, asymmetrical, radial balance and crystallographic.
Texture Project
This project was on the study of color. We were to create 6 small compositions, each displaying a different color scheme. One of each of the following schemes were required:
Photo Realism: Gillette
Big Bad Wolf: Group Perspective
Road Signs
Value Scale
The idea was to some up with a creative way of creating a scale with 11 values from black to white and everything in between. The human eye can only see 44 different values in between black and white. Apparently the most a person has ever created without using a computer is 12. Here are 11.
This is an assignment in which we were required to create some birds for Twitter. The Twitter logo is a simple blue bird and many designers create different blue birds that people may purchase or download to display on their home page. We were to create 5 of our own versions of this bird. Here are the sketches I started with.
Now and Then
I hope you've enjoyed this piece as much as I did creating it!
Zoo Signs
This is a project where we were required to create signs that would be seen in a zoo for various animals. These signs could only be created in white and the background colour that was provided. Also these signs needed to be readable by all ages.
The Lady Jays
Contrast with Type
"Desire over Duty"
Expressive Words
Back At It
Worship: A Reaction
by Jon Allison
People often think that worship is simply singing songs of praise. It is so much more than this! Praise comes from the mouth but worship comes from the heart. Singing can be used for worship but it is simply a means of worshipping God through praise. Today’s contemporary music is full of emotion that creates a feeling inside of us that moves us, but this is not necessarily worship. Worship is not a feeling. It’s an act. Emotion is not wrong but we can often be distracted by it.
There is such a huge divison in many churches dealing with music. The older people in the church enjoy singing hymns because it is the style of music that they have always sang. Hymns are very beautifully written that contain so much thought and doctrine. These are great to sing praises to God and worship Him. The content is very rich but the music it self is much slower then a chorus. The youth of today enjoy much faster, upbeat music such as chorus’. They feel that hymns are old and boring. This music contains much simplier doctrine yet there is a lot of emotion built into the music.
It doesn’t matter how we worship God because everyone worships in a different way. The important part is that we worship Him and worship Him with our very best. People worship God in different ways just as people gets excited for their favorite sports team in different ways. Some people go crazy and are very enthusiastic when their team scores a goal. Others simply smile and beam with joy but they keep their emotions inside. The same thig happens in worship. People who raise their hands before God should not feel uncomfortable doing so, but they should also not look to the next person and expect to do the same. In that same way those who don’t lift their hands should not feel obligated to, nor should they look down upon thos who do. Anyone who has time to judge the other in a time of worship is not worshipping God themselves. Worship is between ourself and God, no one else.
God being master over the universe, Creator of all and the giver of life ought to be worshiped every moment that we live. But how much time do we take daily to stop and reflect on God and worship Him? We need to spend time in worship of our God each day.
In order to worship God we need to understand both who He is and who we are. God is the creator of all things, He is omnipresent and omnipotent, the Alpha and Omega. He transcends both time and space, and He is a God who loves us! We are human, physical beings that have both a beginning and an end, sinful creatures that are destined to eternal death, helpless and lost, yet loved by God Almighty.
The reason we ought to worship God is not because He needs it or requires it and not because it makes us feel holy. Rather we worship God because it is our reaction as a creature before our creator, a son before a father and a prince before a king. We worship God because His greatness is so overwhelming we cannot look at His face. He is in absolute control of our lives and He guides us down the pathway life. We ought to fall facedown and worship Him. We need to surrender everything we have and everything we are to Him. To surrender your heart to someone mean that “if” they fail you wou will be broken and have nothing left.
When we seek God and begin to know and experience Him, we see how awesome He really is. Our reaction to this is worship. It’s a reaction to what He did for me in love to rescue us from a state of hopelessness and give me life. We must worship God because of who He is and what He has done.
“Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth! Serve the LORD with gladness! Come into his presence with singing! Know that the LORD, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name! For the LORD is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.”
-Psalm 100

Identity Project
Liberty University Visual Communication Arts Program
one life

year: 2009
medium: Adobe InDesign/Adobe Photoshop/Adobe Illustrator
This piece shows a person with a blank face representing everyone. We always see ourselves as one person living our own life and maybe only 0.01% of the worlds population even know you exist. We are just one person, but as Christians we represent the Lord Jesus Christ and though Him we can have an impact on this world! I am tired of people, including myself, whining and complaining about things that are wrong with our world. People complain that things aren't being done properly and so on. It is too easy to sit in a pew and point the finger at a messed up world and people failing trying to make and impact. We need to be the change that we want to see in this word! The only reason things are the way they are is because you haven't changed it yet! We need to change this world for Christ. With God as my strength I can change this world. Care to join me?!
eternal life

year: 2009
medium: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop
This is an ad in a response to the iPod ads. Except this ad is selling eLife (eternal life) rather then iLife (a life about me). Clearly no headphones because the figures are dancing about as a reaction the the gift God has provided them with.
Special thanks to adam docksteader as he and myself are the images in the ad! also this inspiration came while adam and i were working out! haha