Her Morning Elegance
I stumbled upon this video browsing through some design work and it greatly intrigued me! It is a series of photographs merged together to tell a story through film. You've gotta check it out!!!!!!! a must see!
Golden Moments
Recently I entered a couple design pieces into The 11th Annual Juried Student Art Show open to all Liberty University Students. I guess they must have liked my design because my poster "hope" (below) won first prize. It is moments like these that make me reflect on my Lord and Saviour who has given this skill to me. God is the ultimate designer worthy of praise, I mean look at the world around us! His creativity and design is simply amazing, as artists we only reproduce work that is inspired by God's creation. Just an update for those who follow.
Supporting Haiti
Recently the poster I donated (titled "hope") to the cause of Doctors Without Borders working in Haiti has been posted for sale on the following site. And to my surprise they have priced my poster at $50 a piece. All proceeds of these posters by myself and designers across the globe are going to help those in Haiti directly. Check them out at:
my poster: http://thehaitiposterproject.com/posters/view/369
others: http://thehaitiposterproject.com/
Prayer Chapel
This is my latest drawing. It is a still life of the Prayer Chapel found on the campus of Liberty University. I really like the traditional appearance of this little chapel as there are not many still around any more. The purpose of this chapel is for students to have a place that will always be quiet so they can get away to pray, read or just get away to think. Hope you like
Prince Caspian
This is a poster I made from the book "Prince Caspian" by C.S. Lewis. We had to read a book and create a movie poster for that book. We had to take all out own photographs or draw the images we used. No internet for this one. So once again a good friends of mine, Brad is in my piece as Prince Caspian himself.
This is a piece that I am very passionate about and I wanted to use abstraction to create bring about a message. The message being Christ has justified and restored what was once condemned, US! He has forgiven you and me or our sins and paid the ultimate price in order to justify us. He has then restored us to a new life in Him that we may live for the purpose in which we were created.
Paint + Skin = Art
These are paintings I did after the neoplasticism style (also known as de stihl). This style is abstract using only shapes, vertical and horizontal lines, black, white, grey's and primary colours. My intentions were to portray the forgiveness of our sins through the death of Christ. The reason for painting on people? Well just wanted to do something that was out of the ordinary and different from everyone in my class. These are a couple of my great friends which endure the hours it takes of lying still as I paint. The bottom image is a representation of a sinner (black) whose heart has been made pure (white) through the blood of Christ (red).
The image above that is a representation of Christ (white=holy and perfect) who was pierced for our transgressions (red=wounds in his hands and side). The towel is for a PG version of what Jesus could have been wearing at the time.
The two images above that is my third idea for this project. This image is a restored heart (white) splattered with the blood of Christ (red) that stands among a sinful world (black and grey).
It was from these ideas that I created the piece "Forgiven"
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